The doctor called it a FOOSH…

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The doctor called it a FOOSH. How’s that for an opener. It means fall on an outstretched hand. I fell on two hands hard enough to set off my Apple watch. It bonged with an inquiry – Did I need EMS services? Trying to answer quickly took my mind off the pain for a minute.

Okay, I’ll back up a little. Recently, I was walking the sweet pittie Leela and stepped in a gopher hole. Suddenly I was in flight over the grass to the nearby driveway. It ended kind of well because I only fractured the radial bone at the elbow joint. Could have been a wrist or a hand. Maybe a win?

Leela never noticed anything was amiss and I never let go of the leash. Kind of impressive.

Bottom line is I’m typing a little less for a while.
Combine that with everyone asking me – what happened in the 31 years between Book 12 and Book 13 of The Leira Chronicles (I thought you guys would think, it’s been a long time – stuff must have happened. I can hear Anderle shaking his head and snorting with laughter) – and my inability to get to Italy just yet – it’s obvious what to do.

I’m going to pull book 13 so I can write the 8 books that need to go in between and then get back to the future. Yeah, I said it. So, stay tuned. A lot more Leira coming your way, just not yet… So many more adventures to follow.



11 Responses

    1. Thank you! I think that’s the general consensus. It’s a cool thing when you can back up a little, start over and do things the right way. 🙂 Happy Sunday

  1. I just discovered your books about a month ago, so I’m starting at the beginning on one series and moving to the next. At least that is the plan. Currently I’m on book 8 of the Allison Brownstone series on my kindle and on book 3 in the Leira series in audio. LOVE your books, they have gone a long way towards keeping the shutdown bearable. I have also been enjoying your comments at the end of a book. Keep writing, I’ll catch up soon! I feel like a kid in a candy shop right about now since I discovered you and Michael and LMBPN. I read authors, so after I tripped over the Maggie Parker series and loved it, I started researching other books you guys have written and hit the jackpot. Should keep me busy for and engaged for quite a while. Magic and fantasy have always been my preferred genre, but I had a hard time finding new books and new authors. I know where to look now!

  2. I was wondering about this. I figured I had missed a series somewhere in between. I went through the series in less than a month. I was shipping through them in about 2 days per book on average. (I do have a regular job. LOL)

    I’m excited to see how the new story arc goes and am already anticipating these new adventures.

  3. I enjoyed the Alison Brownstone series and the Leira Chronicles. I want to read more about Leira but the Rewriting Justice books are out of print, well at least three of them are. Are there plans to release all four on Kindle?
    I also want to know where the Berens characters, in the Alison Brownstone series, fit with those in the Leira Chfonicles? Is there a family tree for the (fictional) Berens family?

    1. The Rewriting Justice series were redone and rewritten into the Leira chronicles. It’s why there are 12 books out instead of just 8 and more coming in Leira Chronicles in the future.

      Which ones did you have a question on?

  4. Hope everything turns out well after the fall. I have already gone through quite a few of the LMBPN books and had just finished the 12th book of Leera when it turned out that book 13 was out of print on Amazon with no explanation. Good to know that there will be additional books in between to fill in more of the blanks. Currently reading Federal Agents of Magic series and enjoying that for now.

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