You don’t need luck to get this new release

Happy New Year!

​Well, 2023, is on day 3 and so far it seems to be going pretty decent, minus a few hiccups here and there. But those things are to be expected no matter what year it is, right? And, of course, we like to kick the new year off right with a new release and a fan lunch at the end of the week!

Continue Winland’s story this week with Seven If By Luck. Winland has finally found her mother and gets her back to the Ozark’s kemana. But not everything is how she had hoped. Her mother’s release from imprisonment hasn’t gone unnoticed and with Leeland’s sordid past, that can’t be a good thing. Can Winland keep her mother, the people of East Calico Rock, and herself safe from what’s to come? Grab your copy to find out!

The next Lunch Together While Apart is scheduled for January 6. Sign up to win a pizza below!

Preorders coming in January:

Until next time…

COME ONE! COME ALL! (And bring your lunch!)

We will be doing Lunch Together While Apart at 1 p.m. Central Time on FRIDAY, January 6, and everyone is invited to attend.

Five winners will be chosen from the sign-up to receive pizzas which will be scheduled to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the lunch!

If you don’t win a pizza, bring your lunch and still join us!

To be eligible, sign up at this form:

Note: The chance to win a pizza offer is for those in the United States only, but everyone can join us on Zoom.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Make sure your pizza place delivers for lunch. Or note if you’re picking it up.

Winland Underwood was right! Her mother is alive, rescued, and returned to the Ozark kemana.

The Warrior Witch may be back, but the mother-daughter reunion Winland dreamed of isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Especially now that they’re both dealing with the fallout.

Hector Fang has betrayed her. Erickson’s revelations about her mom still haunt her. And Leeland Byrnes doesn’t give straight answers.

Winland thought she was forging her own destiny. Can she get out from under the shadow of her parents to do so

Leeland’s release from her wrongful interdimensional imprisonment hasn’t gone unnoticed. An old war general of Rhazdon’s wants Leeland returned to his side and will do anything he can to get her there.

Is the Warrior Witch’s dark, sordid past about to catch up with her and her daughter?

Can Winland keep her mother safe from what’s to come?






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