Are you ready for the Prodigal Suns to rise again?

January 27

Ohh! Look! Fan Pricing!

The weekend is here! Do you have any big plans? Small plans? Maybe something in between? Does it involve Cheetos? Maybe some donuts? If so, I’ll be right there.

You know what today is? It’s Fan Pricing Saturday and you know what that means, right? We Rise Again is 99 cents today! But only today. Sometime tomorrow, POOF, it goes back to normal price. Not that normal price is bad! So get your copy today!

Pizza Friday will be coming next Friday! Yay pizza! Save a slice for me! Sign up to win a pizza if you live in the U.S. for Feb. 2 below!

More new releases are on their way! See these upcoming preorders? Be sure to preorder them now so you do not miss their releases! And more preorders are coming soon!

Have you checked out Martha’s store? Mugs and travel mugs as well as the books themselves are available at

COME ONE! COME ALL! (And bring your lunch!)

We will be doing Lunch Together While Apart at 1 p.m. Central Time on FRIDAY, February 2, and everyone is invited to attend.

Five winners will be chosen from the sign-up to receive pizzas which will be scheduled to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the lunch!

If you don’t win a pizza, bring your lunch and still join us!

To be eligible, sign up at this form:

Note: The chance to win a pizza offer is for those in the United States only, but everyone can join us on Zoom.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Make sure your pizza place delivers for lunch. Or note if you’re picking it up.

Heka, the ancient god of magic, has grand plans and thanks to Dr. Semenov, Heka knows exactly where he’s going to start.

Black-market weapons manufacturers and dealers. And his plans aren’t for the good of the world.

Meanwhile, Emily Trigger and the Prodigal Suns are impatiently waiting for a spell to work so they can track down Heka. They’re using the time to figure out the mechanics of Emily’s new magic and how they can use it together as a team.

Teamwork makes dreams work, right?

When the tracking spell finally goes off in the middle of the night, they grab their gear and follow their pet zombie. But they aren’t the only ones following him.

A whole bunch of Heka-turned-zombies are tracking them too and they’re hell bent on getting their hands on Emily and her powerful magic.

The Prodigal Suns aren’t going to let that happen.

Several fights later and they end up at Ricky Palladino’s house. He’s not Heka, but he’s his left-hand man, so it’s good enough for now. And maybe his spell book might have some answers for them.

They need a consult with Samsu to find the answer to putting an end to Heka once and for all. Or at least putting him back in his underground tomb.

Can Emily and the Prodigal Suns continue to fight off zombies and make their way into Russia before Heka completes his plans and destroys the world?

Get your copy to continue the adventures today!


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