Ellis Burton is taking a dangerous chance…


Back to the city of Angels…

Well… this troll isn’t going there, but this week’s book takes us back to the West Coast. Speaking of West Coast, Martha was in Vegas visiting Michael! I wonder what they are plotting. Something fun, I bet!

We’ll find out soon. Some of us sooner than others.

Oh, right, back to a new release!

Ellis’ story continues this week with Drow Mystery! In this thrilling and suspenseful tale of hidden Drows, magic, mushrooms, secrets, and betrayal, Ellis must navigate a treacherous path to find the truth and protect those she loves, or is learning to love. With her shadow magic powers still elusive, she must rely on her wits and instincts to survive. Will she uncover the truth and find her mother, or will she become entangled in a web of darkness that may consume her?

Pizza Friday is this Friday! Lots of friends (aka Fans) will be joining Martha and others! Sign up to win a pizza if you live in the U.S. for Feb. 2 below!

More new releases are on their way! See these upcoming preorders? Be sure to preorder them now so you do not miss their releases! And more preorders are coming soon!

Have you checked out Martha’s store? Mugs and travel ugs as well as the books themselves are available at https://authormarthacarr.com

COME ONE! COME ALL! (And bring your lunch!)

We will be doing Lunch Together While Apart at 1 p.m. Central Time on FRIDAY, February 2, and everyone is invited to attend.

Five winners will be chosen from the sign-up to receive pizzas which will be scheduled to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the lunch!

If you don’t win a pizza, bring your lunch and still join us!

To be eligible, sign up at this form: https://forms.gle/f9nzmtDM9HqGaLh99

Note: The chance to win a pizza offer is for those in the United States only, but everyone can join us on Zoom.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Make sure your pizza place delivers for lunch. Or note if you’re picking it up.

Ellis Burton is taking a dangerous chance searching for answers about her mother. The Drow Protector of the City of Angels takes after her mother, looking out for those who roam the streets at night.

But first, Ellis has to regain her shadow magic. That can’t come soon enough. There’s a dangerous mushroom disease that is plunging victims into dark hallucinations, and a friend of her brother’s is missing.

Nothing is ever what it seems in LaLa Land.

Meanwhile, Charlie is determined to find the truth but is drawn to Ellis’s mysterious allure. He may be falling down a dangerous path where too many vigilantes and conspiracies intertwine. Can the detective hold them off on his own?

Can Charlie trust Ellis? Maybe not and keep his job as a detective. The way things are going, everything is pointing to a jail cell for Ellis. If they can catch her.

In this thrilling and suspenseful tale of hidden Drows, magic, mushrooms, secrets, and betrayal, Ellis must navigate a treacherous path to find the truth and protect those she loves, or is learning to love.

With her shadow magic powers still elusive, she must rely on her wits and instincts to survive. Will she uncover the truth and find her mother, or will she become entangled in a web of darkness that may consume her?

Get your copy to continue Ellis’ adventures today!


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